New Event Screen

Use this screen to add an event to the workfile.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Event Select an event from the droplist. contains the predefined events that were set up in your repair facility profile in the Estimating section.
Code This is the event code as defined in the claim office profile. This field cannot be edited.
Source This value indicates the originating author of the event .
Communicated This value is defined in the claim office profile and indicates whether or not the event will be communicated back to the insurance company.
Required to This value indicates whether the event is required before locking the estimate. This value is defined in the claim office profile.
Sequence Also defined in the claim office profile. This value refers to the order in which the event needs to occur before another predefined event can be triggered.
Date/Time This is the event creation date and time.
Comments Enter any additional comments in this field.
File The menu bar File options include Save and New, Save and Close, and Close.
Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Save and Close A toolbar option that saves the document and closes the screen.
Save and New This option saves the document, closes the current screen, and opens the New Event screen.

See Also

Creating a Workfile Event







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